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Broker or Bank

  Broker or Bank When people want to borrow money, their first thought is to go to a bank. This may not be the best solution when looking for a loan to buy real estate. Like your Licensed Conveyancer, a mortgage broker is on your side. He or she wants to get you...

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Title Insurance – A Growing Trend

  Did you know that 30% to 40% of Australian properties have some form of illegal building structure on them or have some other issue that could cause unpleasant surprises (and expenses) for the future property owner? While it is no replacement for a good...

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Why Is It Important To Get A Pest Inspection Report?

One of the most common question purchasers ask when they are in the process of purchasing a new property is “Why is it important to get a pest inspection report?” There are several reasons why a Pest Inspection Report is important to obtain prior to the purchase of a...

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What is a Section 184 Certificate?

When a property under strata title is sold, one of the disbursements is a Section 184 Certificate. This certificate is issued under Section 184 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996. What is Section 184 Certificate? The Certificate is issued by the managing strata...

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Changes to legislation for Foreign Investors

From 1 July 2016, foreign residents will be required to obtain a clearance certificate from the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) in respect of purchasing and from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) in relation to the sale of property within Australia. In...

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