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articles on Tips and Tricks for your home needs.


Super Simple Property

Super Simple Property

Australians have just over $3.2 trillion in superannuation assets as at the end of June 2022.  Now as housing affordability takes the focus for many of us, accessing specialised tools in the superannuation arena can assist buyers to get into the market without over...

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What To Inspect When You’re Inspecting

What To Inspect When You’re Inspecting

When you’re heading out for that all-too-critical inspection, “what lies beneath?” is the question you can keep front of mind to avoid your next purchase becoming a horror movie. Any house that has existed for a few years has seen some action and its possibly the...

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Garden Makeovers For Sellers

Garden Makeovers For Sellers

So, you’ve had the carpet cleaned, some painting, got those “never to be used” bath towels that you hang up on open house days. Still, something feels like its missing…you didn’t mow the lawn! When you are selling your property, first impressions count, and many...

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Why The Sudden Interest?

Why The Sudden Interest?

    Interest Rate Structure Lending institutions in Australia determine the rates of interest that they pay to deposit holders and charge to borrowers using a variety of factors.  In simple terms, just like any shopkeeper, these institutions work out how...

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How to avoid the unexpected costs of moving

How to avoid the unexpected costs of moving

How to avoid the unexpected costs of moving  Now that you've de-cluttered your home, packed everything you own into boxes and donated or sold what you don't need you're well on your way to moving day. As you go to book your moving van you might get a shock combing...

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10 Most Common Questions About Deposit Bonds Answered

10 Most Common Questions About Deposit Bonds Answered

So, you’re thinking about getting a deposit bond? Whether you’re a first home buyer, seasoned property investor, downsizing or buying off the plan, chances are you have a few questions. Don’t worry – we’ve got the answers you need. Here are the 10 most common deposit...

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Declutter your home, Declutter your mind.

Declutter your home, Declutter your mind.

A healthy lifestyle covers so many different aspects, and while it might sometimes be overlooked as part of your health kick, one of the best ways to live a healthy and happy lifestyle is to declutter your home. Cleaning out and tidying up has an instant positive...

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7 Tips for bidding at Auction

7 Tips for bidding at Auction

There are many things you must know and understand before diving into this high-stake/high- stress process. The team at Bliss Conveyancing have put together some of our best tips. You’ll find one that is often over looked - but not by you – after you read this. Have...

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7 Tips for Busy Landlords

7 Tips for Busy Landlords

​1. Take ownership and plan ahead maintenance. This is a task you shouldn’t expect your property manager to do for you because​,​ reality is​,​ they probably wouldn’t. ​I hate to say this, BUT as investment property owners you should be mentally planning to have your...

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