Broker or Bank When people want to borrow money, their first thought is to go to a bank. This may not be the best solution when looking for a loan to buy real estate. Like your Licensed...
Blog - Conveyancing
Title Insurance – A Growing Trend
Did you know that 30% to 40% of Australian properties have some form of illegal building structure on them or have some other issue that could cause unpleasant surprises (and expenses) for...
Why Is It Important To Get A Pest Inspection Report?
One of the most common question purchasers ask when they are in the process of purchasing a new property is “Why is it important to get a pest inspection report?” There are several reasons why a...
What is a Section 184 Certificate?
When a property under strata title is sold, one of the disbursements is a Section 184 Certificate. This certificate is issued under Section 184 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996. What is...
Changes to legislation for Foreign Investors
From 1 July 2016, foreign residents will be required to obtain a clearance certificate from the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) in respect of purchasing and from the Australian Taxation...