Time doesn’t just fly when your having fun, it goes quicker than Rudolph himself as the calendar approaches number 25. We have lots of fun at Bliss Conveyancing and given the proximity of the season, we thought contracts and pest reports are not on your list at the moment, besides you’re too busy panicking about that Christmas function, right? Here’s a few expert tips on keeping control of the budget and creating an amazing atmosphere for your ’near and dear’ to enjoy while they eat and be merry in your living room.
It may seem like an insurmountable task, but you can pull together some great looking spaces in record time, if you focus and take some advice from Martha Stewart.
Summer flowers – grab some from the servo, next door neighbours’ competition azalea bush or the roadside vendor and put them in vases. Using different size vessels like bottles and jars, as well as cutting the stems to different lengths can make it look like you planned the whole thing weeks ago.
Customised Cups – paper or glass, its totally your choice and a quick trip to the $2 shop (where everything is now $7.50) will give you all the tools you need to finger paint or write peoples names on the drinking vessels. This year they will believe you actually wanted to see them.
Bakers Delight – if you have some left over cupcake papers, stacking different colours inside each other, and pulling a staple or string through the middle makes quite a pretty imitation carnation. They are great on the table or stuck to presents as wrapping enhancement devices.
Paper Tablecloth – You can have yourself a tablecloth that is both festive and disposable. Grab some stamps from the craft shop and different coloured inks, then make your Christmas patterns appear.
The Centrepiece – agonise no more over trying to recreate the Block Finale, great centrepieces can come together quickly by using baskets (for fruit or bread), tying native herbs to your candle holders, or even river stones if you have them.
Cheap Eats
If you’re concerned about fitting the pudding and custard on the table, why not create a DIY dessert bar using a side table or some bench space. A few ramekins and bowls filled with the accoutrement of fun desserts, and you will look like a genius.
Similarly, for those guests that are more inclined towards a ‘liquid dessert’ you can use a collateral space for a self-serve sangria bar. Laying out the fruit ingredients and having the beverage in large jugs will add to the festive look and act as a decoration as well as a space and sanity saver.
If you’re really strained for time, money or both why not declare some summer potluck? When you give your invitations (or when guest invite themselves) let them know that they must bring a dish, dessert or drink to share with the table. It’s often a very fun and rewarding way to take the stress out of preparation.
You’ll find these ideas and many more on Better Homes and Gardens.
Away From The Table
You can create a retro and fun outdoor game of hoop-toss with some tomato stakes, plastic tubing and paint. Some well-placed lawn chairs, drink holders and an esky will ensure that the game has plenty of spectators and goes on well into afternoon nap time.
Best Of The Season
Whatever you like to do at this time of year, Bliss Conveyancing wishes you the very best of the season and we hope you get to spend some relaxing time with loved ones. Thank you to all of our supporters for a wonderful year and we look forward to giving you the best in service and advice in 2023.