Before proceeding with any transaction, it is important to know exactly what it is going to cost, selling a property is no different. We have come up with the standard costs associated with selling a house.
- Fees and charges payable to discharge any loan
- Real Estate Agent’s commission and charges for advertising etc.
- Rates and taxes adjustment for the period you own the property
- Moving costs
- The balance of loan repayments
- Conveyancing costs and disbursements (typically)
o Bliss Conveyancing Professional costs
o Title search
o Zoning certificate from the council
o Drainage diagram
o The fee to arrange discharge of mortgage, when necessary
o Swimming pool inspection certificate
There are also voluntary costs which sometimes are called “hidden costs” They’re costs you don’t think about when you put your house on the market. However, they’re costs that can actually pay big dividends. So, what are these voluntary or “hidden costs”?
- House cleaning – from $50/hr – is a pre-sale must for every home
- Repair anything that needs repairing
- Does your interior or exterior need painting?
- Renovations, such as bathroom or kitchen upgrades, can pay more than their cost when you sell your home – but be careful not to overcapitalise
- Garden maintenance: your street view is important and your backyard should be tidy
- Home staging is an increasingly popular option
- Removalist